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August 2004

Our Wee Miss


This page was added:
January 25th 2005
(better late than never!)

Lovely Little Babe!

Sept. 2nd 2004

Sept. 16th 2004

Sept. 21st 2004


The follwing are some photos I added on
May 24th 2005
Sorry, I haven't been keeping this up to date like I promised I would. She's a handful and keeps EVERYONE busy!!!! But she's sure grown a lot since I've added the last ones...

Sept. 2004

Dec 25th 2004

Dec 27 2004

January 15th 2005

January 15th 2005

January 31st 2005
Daddy just wanted to see her in the Celtic strip...
Yes, it's cute, but she wasn't in the mood.
I hope you have enjoyed the new photos!!!